The Children’s Clinics team is dedicated to delivering medical care to our patients within a secure and healthy clinic setting. We are steadfast in adhering to the directives issued by the CDC and public health authorities.

The well-being of our patients, communities, and staff continues to be our foremost concern. We appreciate your assistance in keeping everyone healthy and safe. Below is our sick patient protocol that we ask our families to adhere to in order to keep our clinic community healthy and safe.

Sick Patient Protocol:

At Children’s Clinics, we want to ensure the safety of those whom we serve and our employees. If you have an illness or exhibiting signs or symptoms, we recommend you cancel and reschedule your appointment at our facility. Please contact our office at 520-324-5437, and we will help you reschedule your appointment, without penalty, for when you are feeling better.

Some illnesses and symptoms include: 

  1. Flu-like symptoms
  2. Fever 100.4 or greater
  3. Reports of fatigue/muscle aches without a known reason
  4. Nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea
  5. Rash/blisters in mouth, hands, feet
  6. Any contagious disease, such as mumps, measles, chickenpox, TB, etc.